Your generous gift helps companion animals everywhere by enabling animal lovers to help them when they are in need of assistance, while at the same time, helping neighbors become more educated pet parents.
Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Neighborhood Watch for Pets website is a project of Sunbear Squad, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation incorporated in Wisconsin. Our EIN number is 14-1932593.
For your convenience, we use PayPal to accept online donations. PayPal payments plus MasterCard, VISA, American Express and Discover payment cards are accepted.
Or, you may send a check made out to “Sunbear Squad Inc.” to this address:
Sunbear Squad Inc.
1511 Travis St.
La Crosse, WI 54601
We will confirm your gift within 7 days.
Thank you so very much for your generous support of our efforts! Thank you for caring! Thank you for sharing!