This web site is owned and managed by the Sunbear Squad Inc., a non-profit humane organization that promotes Neighborhood Watches for Pets specifically and neglect prevention generally.
All content, including text, images, logos, and code, is a created, original work, except where stated in credits. The entire web site is filed and registered with the Library of Congress and as such is fully protected by U.S. copyright law.
- You may link to the home page or any page within the site without permission, although hearing about your interest is very welcome; email us
- You may not link to images within the site in any manner that uses our servers and bypasses our content
- You may freely reuse web site content for any public, private, or home school classroom
- We claim trademark protection for the Sunbear Squad logo
- We claim trademark protection for all layout and materials in PDF format
- The chocolate labrador retriever artwork used within the logo to represent the real Sunbear was purchased from New Vision Technologies Inc., and is used only to support non-profit organization programs and efforts. We claim trademark protection for the Sunbear Squad Inc. logo with their gracious permission. The artwork copyright remains the property of New Vision Technologies.
Please email us to ask for permission to reuse content in a manner that is not described above. Thank you for your cooperation.